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GOAT (Greatest of All Time)

GOAT - Bronze on Black Granite - Artist Rudolf Sokolovski.jpg
GOAT - Bronze on Black Granite - Artist Rudolf Sokolovski.jpg

GOAT (Greatest of All Time)


There are very few individuals who have the honor to be given the nickname 'GOAT'. It is reserved for those exceptional men and women who have reached a level in their field that many try but few ever reach. Those select few are an inspiration to us all, of what a human being can achieve through sacrifice. This sculpture is based on one of the greatest fighters of all time, performing his signature move - the spinning elbow. The great, and controversial Jon Bones Jones.

  • Original

  • Bronze with Brown Patina

  • Black Granite Base

  • 17.5 x 14 Inches

Artist - Rudolf Sokolovski

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